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2025 "night, falling"
CD 1:
"späte Gegend" (2018) for orchestra
(norddeutsche sinfonietta, Ensemble Reflexion K and guests, direction: Gerald Eckert)
"Schemen - Feld 30" (2017) for contrabassclarinet and electronics
(Joachim Striepens - contrabassclarinet, Ivan Ferrer-Orozco - live-electronics,
Gerald Eckert - electronics)
"Nacht, die fallende" (2020) for violoncello, orchestra and live-electronics
(Burkart Zeller - violoncello, norddeutsche sinfonietta, Ensemble Reflexion K and guests,
Andre Bartetzki - live-electronics, direction: Gerald Eckert)
CD 2:
"ferne Tiefe" (2020/ 21) for contrabassflute, orchestra, live-electronics and tape
(Beatrix Wagner - contrabassflute, norddeutsche sinfonietta, Ensemble Reflexion K and guests, Andre Bartetzki - live-electronics, direction: Gerald Eckert)
"Kisalpah" (2019) for ensemble and electronics
(Ensemble Reflexion K; Beatrix Wagner - flute, Joachim Striepens - clarinet,
André Wittmann - percussion, Holger Roese - percussion, Martin von der Heydt - piano,
Burkart Zeller - violoncello, Gerald Eckert - violoncello, Ivan Ferrer-Orozco - electronics)
"im Endlichen - dehnbar" (2006/ 23) for accordion
(Eva Zöllner - accordion)
"instead of (empty rooms II)" (2019) for ensemble and electronics
(Ensemble Reflexion K; Beatrix Wagner - flute, Joachim Striepens - clarinet,
Seungkum-Jennie Yang - violin, Gerald Eckert - violoncello)
mode records / New York
recently released: ![]()
2024 CD "Gran Duo"
from Stefan Streich
"Gran Duo" (2021 - 2023)
for bassflute/ flute and violoncello
(Duo Reflexion K; Beatrix Wagner: flute(s), Gerald Eckert: violoncello)
Kreuzberg Records (kr 10189)
... the next coming up performances and broadcasts:
12. March 2025, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "melting away" for percussion, organ and tape
23. Feb. 2025, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
10. int. "Provinzlärm-Festival" Eckernfoerde
"Alter der Wirklichkeit" for ensemble and live-electronics fp
22. Feb. 2025, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
10. int. "Provinzlärm-Festival" Eckernfoerde
"Aube" for organ
24. Jan. 2025, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"instead of (empty rooms II)" for small ensemble and electronics
"Noema" for violoncello
07. Dec. 2024, Cologne, Kunststation St. Peter
"chroia" for organ
23. Nov. 2024, Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence Otte 1
Long night of music
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
"Verschränkung - ins Offene" for contrabassflute, electronics and tape
20. Nov. 2024, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
10. Nov. 2024, Berlin, Kunstquartier Bethanien
Klangwerkstatt Berlin
Festival for New Music 2024
"Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
08. Nov. 2024, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
07. Nov. 2024, Helmstedt, Monastery church St. Marienberg
Music 21 Festival Lower Saxony
"instead of (empty rooms II)" for small ensemble and electronics
02. Nov. 2024, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
Long night of literature
"In Sich Ohne Ausweg" for tape
"Noema" for violoncello
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
"Aux mains de l'espace" for 4-channel-tape
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
28. Sept. 2024, Karlsruhe, ZKM
Le temps s'ouvre - The opening of time
Electronic Music Festival
"Verschränkung - ins Offene II" for 4-(2)-channel-tape german fp
27. Sept. 2024, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Nachtwindbewegtes" for bass-fl, cb-clar and vla
"Klangräume II" for piccolo and tape
30. July 2024, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
Summer concert
"Aube" for organ
"Verschränkung - ins Offene" for contrabassflute, electronics and tape german fp
"Interferenz I" for flute, violoncello, e-chin (organ), electronics and tape
19. July 2024, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
"Aux mains de l'espace" for 4-channel-tape
09. July 2024, Seoul, Hanyang University,
ICMC 2024
"Verschränkung - ins Offene II" for 4-(2)-channel-tape fp
08. July 2024, Luebck, Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design
"nor" for percussion solo
(Fabian Ernst - percussion)
22. June 2024, New York, Sheen Center, Loreto Theatre,
NYCEMF 2024 - concert 21
"Verschränkung - ins Offene" for contrabassflute, electronics and tape fp
(Beatrix Wagner - contrabassflute)
19. June 2024, Kiel, Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design
"nor" for percussion solo
07. June 2024, Lauenburg, Artists Residence
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
22. May 2024, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
"void" for 2 percussions
28. April 2024, 02.00 - 02.34 a.m., Radio UNAM (Mexico)
broadcast of:
"des Nichts, verlorene Schatten" for ensemble
"l'étendue des fins éclats, éparse" for violin
27. April 2024, Schöppingen, Artist village, exhibition hall
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
25. April 2024, Fulda, Vonderau Museum
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
"instead of (empty rooms II)" for small ensemble and electronics
from 19.04.2024 on
Videos of the Klangwerkstatt Festival Berlin 2023 are online (press each photo) :
Video recording of "Composizione per flauto e violoncello" (2017) from Emiliano Turazzi:
© André Fischer / Klangwerkstatt Berlin
Video recording of "Nachtbogen" (2001) from Gerald Eckert:
© André Fischer / Klangwerkstatt Berlin
Video recording of the premiere of "Gran Duo" (2021-2023) from Stefan Streich:
© André Fischer / Klangwerkstatt Berlin
15. March 2024, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
"instead of (empty rooms II)" for small ensemble and electronics
10. March 2024, 03.05 - 03.55 a.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
"Inschriften" for organ and percussion
"Aube" for organ
09. March 2024, 0.05 - 10.50 p.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
The broadcast Atelier neuer Musik
Randzonen, Erstarrungen, Brüche - Gerald Eckerts neuere Ensemblemusiken
"späte Gegend" for orchestra
"Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
"Kisalpah" for ensemble and electronics
"ferne Tiefe" for contrabassflute, orchestra, live-electronics and tape
"Nacht, die fallende" for violoncello, orchestra and live-electronics
28. Feb. 2024, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
16. Feb. 2024, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
04. Feb. 2024, 03.05 - 03.55 a.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
"melting away" for percussion, organ and tape
"Aufbrüche - Verwerfungen" for organ
03. Jan. 2024, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "den angestoßenen Augen der Steine"
for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
21. Dec. 2023, 09.05 - 10.00 p.m., SWR 2, JetztMusik
broadcast of "instead of (empty rooms II)" for ensemble and electronics
25. Nov. 2023, Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence Otte 1
night of music
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
22. Nov. 2023, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
19. Nov. 2023, Klangwerkstatt Berlin, Festival für Neue Musik
Kunstquartier Bethanien
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
04. Nov. 2023, Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence Otte 1
night of theatre and dance
"Nen X" for dance, violoncello and tape/ electronics
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
19. Oct. 2023, Córdoba/ Arg., Aula Magna del Colegio Monserrat (UNC)
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
18. Oct. 2023, Córdoba/ Arg., Centro Cultural de la UNC
"Noema" for violoncello
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
"Interferenz III" for tape
13. Oct. 2023, Salta/ Arg., Fundación Salta
"Aux mains de l'espace" for 4-channel-tape
"Noema" for violoncello
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
12. Oct. 2023, Salta/ Arg., Palazzo Zorrilla
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
06. Oct. 2023, Rosario/ Arg.,
Workshop and presentation CD Natalia Solomonoff
06. Oct. 2023, Rottweil, Kunststiftung Erich Hauser
SWR JetztMusik
"instead of (empty rooms II)" for ensemble and electronics
Ensemble L'art pour l'art
23. Sept. 2023, 10.05 - 10.50 p.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
Atelier neuer Musik
broadcast of "melting away" for percussion, organ and tape
23. Sept. 2023, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"gefaltetes Moment" for ensemble
On 05. Sept. 2023 Deutschlandradio Kultur broadcasts from 00:05 - 01:00 a.m. at the programme
Neue Musik
The flutist and the composer - contemporary music in Eckernfoerde
a portrait of Beatrix Wagner, Gerald Eckert and the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
26. Aug. 2023, Odessa, Philharmonic
28. int. Festival "2 Days 2 Nights", Odessa/ Ukraine
"empty rooms" for ensemble
On 20. Aug. 2023 the Deutschlandfunk broadcasts from 09.05 - 11.00 p.m. at the programme
Konzertdokument der Woche
live recordings of the concerts of the 9. international Provinzlärm Festival 2023
Compositions from Karmella Tsepkolenko, Julia Gomelskaya, Volodoymyr Runchak, Maxim Kolomiiets, a.o.
Ensemble senza sforzando
direction: Oleksandr Perepelytsia
Ensemble Reflexion K
direction: Gerald Eckert
02. Aug. 2023, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
30. July 2023, 02.07 - 03.00 a.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
Klassik live
broadcast of "Nacht, die fallende" for violoncello, orchestra and live-electronics
(Burkart Zeller - violoncello, norddeutsche sinfonietta,
Ensemble reflexion K, guests, dir: Gerald Eckert)
21. July 2023, Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence Otte 1
Summer concert
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
"Noema" for violoncello
02. July 2023, Winsen/ Luhe
40 years ensemble L'art pour l'art
"Klangmoment" for ensemble
25. June 2023, 02.07 - 03.00 a.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
Klassik live
broadcast of "ferne Tiefe" for contrabassflute, orchestra, live-electronics and tape
(Beatrix Wagner - contrabassflute, norddeutsche sinfonietta,
Ensemble reflexion K, guests, dir: Gerald Eckert)
23. June 2023, New York, Sheen Center, Loreto Theatre,
NYCEMF 2023 - concert 15
"In Sich Ohne Ausweg" for tape
26. May 2023, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "offen - fin des terres" for ensemble and tapes
05. May 2023, Winsen/ Luhe
zuHören in Winsen I - "Cuts"
"instead of (empty rooms II)" for ensemble and electronics
26. March 2023, Rendsburg, St. Marien church
25. March 2023, Husum, St. Marien church
24. March 2023, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
"senkrechtes grün · Ton einzeln" for ensemble and string orchestra fp
Erik Satie "Ogives" nr.2, arranged for string orchestra
Guillaume de Machaut "De souspirant", arranged for string orchestra
© Beatrix Wagner
Machaut "De souspirant"; rehearsal for the concert in St. Marien, Rendsburg on 26.3.23
(norddeutsche sinfonietta and Ensemble Reflexion K)
26. February 2023, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
9. int. "Provinzlärm-Festival" Eckernfoerde
"Kisalpah" for ensemble and electronics
© Ines Herzmann during the dress rehearsal
for more pictures of the 9. Provinzlärm Festival see here or at the KNME website
25. February 2023, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
9. int. "Provinzlärm-Festival" Eckernfoerde
"instead of (empty rooms II)" for ensemble and electronics
24. February 2023, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
9. int. "Provinzlärm-Festival" Eckernfoerde
"Schleier - im Dunklen der Zeit" for large ensemble, electronics and video fp
© Ines Herzmann
"Schleier - im Dunklen der Zeit"; opening concert of the 9. Provinzlärm Festival (24.2.23)
(Ensemble Reflexion K and guests)
11. Feb. 2023, 01.30 - 02.00 a.m., Radio UNAM (Mexico)
broadcast of:
"Schächte - les nuages d'automne" for Fl, vla and harp
"Feld 3." for fl and harp
08. Feb. 2023, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "melting away" for percussion, organ and tape
01. Feb. 2023, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "den angestoßenen Augen der Steine"
for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
22. Jan. 2023, Bielefeld, Zions church Bethel
"Gegendämmerung" for voice and flute
"Gestade in Fernen" for 2 violoncellos
20. Jan. 2023, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Gegendämmerung" for voice and flute
"Gestade in Fernen" for 2 violoncellos
07. Dec. 2022, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
19. Nov. 2022, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
night of music
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
"Aux mains de l'espace" for 4-channel-tape
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
"about water III" for electronics / 2-(4)-channel-tape
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
11. Nov. 2022, Delmenhorst, Theatre
hespos - "neue musik in delmenhorst" (53)
"ruins of time" for ensemble
10. Nov. 2022, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
20 years concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"ruins of time" for ensemble
06. Nov. 2022, 03.05 - 03.55 a.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
"melting away" for percussion, organ and tape
12. Oct. 2022, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Nachtschwebe" for orchestra
03. Oct. 2022, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
Solo - Duo
"Schwebe, verlöschend" for flute and percussion
"Noema" for violoncello
24. Sept. 2022, Berlin, Academy of the Arts, Hanseatenweg
Kontakte '22 - Festival of Electroacoustic Music and Sound Art
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
16. Sept. 2022, Kiel, University, Bachsaal
- concert and presentation database composers Schleswig-Holstein -
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
10. Sept. 2022, Cologne, Kunststation St. Peter
- Lunchkonzert -
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
20. July 2022, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Aphel" for orchestra
06. July 2022, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
24. June 2022, New York, Sheen Center, Loreto Theatre,
NYCEMF 2022 - concert 16
"Diaphane" for 2-(4)-channel-tape
On June 12th, 2022 the Deutschlandfunk broadcasts from 09.05 - 11.00 p.m. at the programme
Konzertdokument der Woche
live recordings of the concerts of the 8. international Provinzlärm Festival 2021/ 2022.
Compositions from Arvo Pärt, Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes, Liisa Hirsch, Gerald Eckert, Tristan Murail, a.o.
To listen to the program (until to 12.07.2022) please press here: DLF broadcast from 12.06.2022
11. June 2022, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
20 years concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Aube" for organ
"Interferenz III" for electronics / 2-channel-tape
"Noema" for violoncello
05. June 2022, Lauenburg, Artists Residence Lauenburg, Gallery
presentation scholars and concert
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
13. May 2022, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
21. February 2022, Vienna, Brick-15
"wie Wolken um die Zeiten legt" for soprano, flute, accordion and percussion
between feathers ensemble
19. February 2022, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
8. int. "Provinzlärm-Festival" Eckernfoerde
"Aphel" for orchestra
© Ines Herzmann
Final applause with Beatrix Wagner (cb-fl) and Burkart Zeller (vc),
the soloists of the opening concert of the Provinzlärm Festival on February 18th, 2022
© Michael Jordan
"Nacht, die fallende" during the opening concert of the Provinzlärm Festival at 18.02.2022
(Burkart Zeller (vc), norddeutsche sinfonietta, Ensemble Reflexion K and guests)
18. February 2022, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
8. int. "Provinzlärm-Festival" Eckernfoerde
"ferne Tiefe" for contrabassflute, orchestra, live-electronics and tape fp
(Soloist: Beatrix Wagner)
"Nacht, die fallende" for violoncello, orchestra and live-electronics fp
(Soloist: Burkart Zeller)
© Ines Herzmann
during one of the last rehearsals
16. February 2022, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
21. January 2022, 10.05 - 11.00 p.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR-Klassik)
BR Franken: music for organ
"Aufbrüche - Verwerfungen" for organ
21. January 2022, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
20 years concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Restlicht des Dunkels" for large ensemble fp
Ensemble Consord (Muenster)
16. January 2022, Bielefeld, Zions church
FRAKZIONEN - Festival for contemporary music in the church
concert IX:
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
concert XII:
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
26. December 2021, 03.05 - 03.55 a.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
"Inschriften" for organ and percussion
"chroia" for organ
from December 2021 on![]()
This volume about the festival orgel-mixturen at the Kunst-Station Sankt Peter in Cologne is intended to be more than a commemorative publication. Because not only has the original festival week expanded into larger concert cycles over the past decade and a half from 2005 to 2021, it also formed the basis for fundamental research and rediscovery of contemporary composing for the organ.
for more information see: bibliography
10. December 2021, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
26. November 2021, 10.05 - 11.00 p.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR-Klassik)
BR Franken: music for organ
"Aube" for organ
"Inschriften" for organ and percussion
"chroia" for organ
20. November 2021, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"instead of II" for ensemble and electronics
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
13. November 2021, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
8. int. "Provinzlärm-Festival" Eckernfoerde
"Annäherung an Petrarca" for 4 voices, fl and vc
(Auditivvokal Ensemble Dresden)
13. October 2021, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "melting away" for percussion, organ and tape
09. October 2021, künstlerische Werkstätten, Trebel
"Musik aus Strom und im Dunkeln" - acousmatic concert #6
"about water III" for electronics / 2-(4)-channel-tape
02. October 2021, Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence, Ottestr. 1
Wortklangraum 3 - with the componser Stefan Streich
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
26. September 2021, Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence, Ottestr. 1
Wortklangraum 2 - with the pastor Dirk Homrighausen
"Aux mains de l'espace" for 4-channel-tape
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
24. September 2021, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Aube" for organ
"Gestade in Fernen" for 2 violoncellos
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
19. September 2021, Bielefeld, Zion church
"about water III" for electronics / 2-(4)-channel-tape
"Klangräume II" for piccolo and tape
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
17. September 2021, Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence, Ottestr. 1
Wortklangraum 1 - with the ceramic artist Susanne Kallenbach
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
09. September 2021, 07:30 p.m., Rendsburg, Nordkolleg
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
20. Aug. 2021, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Annäherung an Petrarca" for 4 voices, flute and violoncello
from 11. August 2021 on, BR-Klassik
One of the most astute composers of our time dealt artistically with climate change a few years ago: In 2017, Gerald Eckert was commissioned by Deutschlandfunk to write a piece about the Anthropocene, the influence of humans on the state of the earth. This piece can now be heard on a new double album with music by Gerald Eckert. Thorsten Preuss introduces it.
05. July 2021, 09.05 - 10.50 p.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
"chroia" for organ
"melting away" for percussion, organ and tape
"Inschriften" for organ and percussion
"Aux mains de l'espace" for 4-channel-tape
"Aufbrüche - Verwerfungen" for organ
The broadcast can be heard in the DLF media library until 5. August 2021
03. July 2021, Winsen/ Luhe
zuHören in Winsen "Lamento - und Tanz"
"erinnerte Zeit, gebrochen" for clar, vln and pf
16. June 2021, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
03. June 2021, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
Portrait concert
"Aux mains de l'espace" for 4-channel-tape
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
"about water III" for electronics / 2-(4)-channel-tape
"Klangräume II" for piccolo and tape
11. May 2021, release of three videos recorded/ produced in February 2021:
Karlheinz Stockhausen "Mikrophonie I"
Gerald Eckert "Gestade in Fernen" (excerpt)
Gerald Eckert "Interception"
(press on photo)
30. April 2021, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Bruchstücke... erstarrtes Lot" for ensemble
(Ensemble Reflexion K, dir: Gerald Eckert)
29. April 2021, 07:30 p.m., Rendsburg, Nordkolleg
"Gestade in Fernen" for 2 violoncellos
"instead of II" for ensemble and electronics fp
31. March 2021, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "den angestoßenen Augen der Steine"
for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
17. March 2021, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
26.02.2021, 07.00 p.m.
online-concert at the festival "Klangwerkstatt Berlin" from 07. November 2020 (press on photo) :
In addition to works by L. Nono, N.A. Huber, H. Lachenmann, S. Streich and S. Hong:
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
video recording of "außen, von tief innen" (press on photo) :
© André Fischer / Klangwerkstatt Berlin
22. Jan. 2021, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Aphel" for orchestra
30. December 2020, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of:
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" für Kb-Klar, Vln, Live-Elektronik und Tonband
"Annäherung an Petrarca" for 4 voices, flute and violoncello
"in die Nebelleere" for accordion
"absence - traces éloignées" for 4 piccolos and 2 perc
"An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
(Ensemble Reflexion K, Ensemble Auditivvokal, Teodoro Anzellotti and Ensemble L'art pour l'art)
16.12.2020, 07.00 p.m.
online video of the works of the festival "X. Micro-Jornadas de composicion y musica contemporanea 2020" (press on photo) :
compositions from Camilo Rodríguez, Juan Campoverde Q., Tsu-Yao Yang and Marcelo Ajubita
22. November 2020, 02.05 - 03.00 a.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
Deutschlandfunk radio night
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
broadcast of "späte Gegend" for orchestra
07. November 2020, Berlin, Kunstquartier Bethanien
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
30. October 2020, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
special concert of the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
28. October 2020, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Inschriften" for organ and percussion
16. October 2020, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
special concert of the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
"Interception" for violoncello and tape
04. October 2020, 09.05 - 11.00 p.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
Konzertdokument der Woche
"chroia" for organ
25. September 2020, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
"instead of (empty rooms II)" for small ensemble and electronics
10. August 2020, 08:00 p.m., Hof Brache
Kulturfestival SH (in the video from 1:22'40")
Kulturfestival SH: classical music at Wahlstorf
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
08. August 2020, 08:30 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence, Ottestr. 1
Von der Gewissheit des Augenblicks
4 pocket concerts (special concerts of the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde)
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
"Interception" for violoncello and tape
08. August 2020, 07:00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence, Ottestr. 1
Von der Gewissheit des Augenblicks
4 pocket concerts (special concerts of the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde)
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
07. August 2020, 08:30 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence, Ottestr. 1
Von der Gewissheit des Augenblicks
4 pocket concerts (special concerts of the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde)
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
07. August 2020, 07:00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence, Ottestr. 1
Von der Gewissheit des Augenblicks
4 pocket concerts (special concerts of the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde)
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
31. July 2020, Cologne, Kunststation St. Peter
orgel-mixturen 2020
"chroia" for organ fp
24. July 2020, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "in die Nebelleere" for accordion
22. July 2020, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "den angestoßenen Augen der Steine"
for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
24. June 2020, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Annäherung an Petrarca" for 4 voices, flute and violoncello
15. May 2020, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "offen - fin des terres" for ensemble and tapes
09. April 2020, 10.05 - 11.00 p.m., Bavarian broadcast (Bayern-Klassik)
"absence - traces éloignées" for 4 piccolos and 2 perc
(Ensemble Reflexion K and Ensemble L'art pour l'art)
"Annäherung an Petrarca" for 4 voices, fl and vc
(Ensemble Auditivvokal and Duo Reflexion K)
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
(Ensemble Reflexion K)
The BR writes about the broadcast on 9. April:
He is one of the most clairaudient contemporary composers: Gerald Eckert, born in 1960 in Nuremberg, today at home in Eckernförde. What interests him is not the loud, the clear, the unambiguous, but the subtleties, the border fields, the margins. His music is committed to the poetics of listening. Like a microscope, he zooms in on the sound, explores the fragile, the extinguishing, the traces left by an event. Eckert's pieces often move on the border to silence - and nevertheless (or rather, precisely because of that) have long caused an international sensation. In collaboration with the New York avant-garde label mode, BR-KLASSIK - Studio Franken has now produced a portrait CD. Three pieces from it can be heard in this broadcast: a discussion with the Renaissance poet Petrarca, a piece that proves that four piccolos do not have to sound shrill, and - as a central work - the trio "außen, von tief innen" ("outside, from deep inside"), in which Eckert's aesthetics unfold in astonishing overtone mixtures.
from 17. March 2020 on
Irene Kurka - Podcast neue musik leben
Interview of Irene Kurka with the composer Gerald Eckert
31. January 2020, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
08. Jan. 2020, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "den angestoßenen Augen der Steine"
for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
28. November 2019, 8:30 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
"Lichtdurchflutet" - 3. electroacoustic concert for the light art exhibition of Katrin Bethge
"Aux mains de l'espace" for 4-channel-tape
"Nen IV" for 2-channel-tape
"Diaphane" for 2-channel-tape
"Interferenz III" for electronics / 2-channel-tape
"In Sich Ohne Ausweg" for 2-channel-tape
22. November 2019, 8:30 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
"Lichtdurchflutet" - 2. electroacoustic concert for the light art exhibition of Katrin Bethge
"about water III" for electronics / 2-(4)-channel-tape
"Cer" for 2-(4)-channel-tape
"Diaphane" for 2-channel-tape
"Interferenz III" for electronics / 2-channel-tape
"Aux mains de l'espace" for 4-channel-tape
18. November 2019, 8:30 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
"Lichtdurchflutet" - 1. electroacoustic concert for the light art exhibition of Katrin Bethge
"Brandung" for electronics
"Cer" for 2-(4)-channel-tape
"Nen IV" for 2-channel-tape
09. November 2019, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
night of music
"gefaltetes Moment" for ensemble
17. October 2019, Córdoba/ Arg., Centro Cultural Córdoba
IX. Micro-Jornadas de composicion y musica contemporanea 2019
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
16. October 2019, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
15. October 2019, Córdoba/ Arg., University, Aula Magna de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas
IX. Micro-Jornadas de composicion y musica contemporanea 2019
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
11. October 2019, Salta/ Arg., Biblioteca Provincial
III. Jornadas de Audio y Acústica en Salta 2019
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
"Interception" for violoncello and tape
09. October 2019, Salta/ Arg., Palacio Zorrilla
III. Jornadas de Audio y Acústica en Salta 2019
"Aux mains de l'espace" for 4-channel-tape
27. September 2019, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
Neopercusion - Reflexion
"Kisalpah" for ensemble and electronics fp
"Interception" for violoncello and tape
Ensemble Neopercusión, Ensemble Reflexion K
24. September 2019, Madrid, Teatro Galileo
"Kisalpah" for ensemble and electronics fp
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
Ensemble Neopercusión, Ensemble Reflexion K
11. Sept. 2019, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Nachtschwebe" for orchestra
08. September 2019, Hannover, Sprengel Museum, Festival Musik 21
4. Übung im zugewandten Zweifeln
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
"instead of (empty rooms II)" for ensemble and electronics fp
06. September 2019, Tosterglope, Kunstraum
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
"instead of (empty rooms II)" for ensemble and electronics fp
23. August 2019, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
"instead of (empty rooms II)" for ensemble and electronics fp
08. Aug. 2019, 00.05 - 01.00 Uhr, Deutschlandfunk Kultur
about the music of the future
Wir schwimmen in einem Meer von Zwitterdingen
Carolin Naujocks in conversation with Brian Ferneyhough
with compositions from Chaya Czernowin, Gerald Eckert, Lisa Lim, Mark Osborn and Brice Pauset
10. July 2019, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
16. June 2019, New York, Sheen Center, Loreto Theatre,
ICMC / NYCEMF 2019 - concert 1
"about water III" for electronics / 2-(4)-channel-tape fp
14. June 2019, New York, NYU, Avery Fischer Center,
Konzert Duo Be.Mad
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
05. June 2019, 7 p.m., Kiel, Flandernbunker
"Gegendämmerung" for voice and flute
"Gestade in Fernen" for 2 violoncellos
On May 27th, 2019 the Deutschlandfunk broadcasts from 09.05 - 10.50 p.m. at the programme Musik-Panorama
live recordings of the concerts of the 7. international Provinzlärm festival 2019.
Compositions from Lisa Streich, Georg Friedrich Haas, Gerald Eckert, Chrichan Larson, a.o.
To listen to the program (until to 26.06.2019) please press here: DLF broadcast from 27.05.2019
"späte Gegend" for orchestra
"Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
26. May 2019, 7 p.m., Mühlenbeck, Summter See, north shore
festival neue musik & natur - Mühlenbecker Klanglandschaften
The unanswered question
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
25. May 2019, 8 p.m., Mühlenbeck, Foyer Mensa Berufsförderungswerk
festival neue musik & natur - Mühlenbecker Klanglandschaften
"Brandung" for audio/ electronics and video
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
17. May 2019, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Nachtschwebe" for orchestra
22. April 2019, 11 a.m., Büdelsdorf, Thormann hall
"qos" for saxophone (Sop-Sax, Tubax) and orchestra fp
Rico Gubler, youth orchestra SH, Rüdiger Bohn (direction)
21. April 2019, 5 p.m., Chateau Wotersen
"qos" for saxophone (Sop-Sax, Tubax) and orchestra fp
Rico Gubler, youth orchestra SH, Rüdiger Bohn (direction)
31. March 2019, 5 p.m., Diffrazioni Festival Firenze, concert XVI
Concert Hall of Le Murate.Progetti Arte Contemporanea, Piazza delle Murate
"Cer" for 4-channel-tape
06. March 2019, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "in die Nebelleere" for accordion
22. Feb. 2019, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Bruchstücke... erstarrtes Lot" for ensemble
15./ 16. Feb. 2019, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
7. int. "Provinzlärm-Festival"
"späte Gegend" for orchestra in 3 groups fp
"Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
(norddeutsche sinfonietta, Ensemble Reflexion K and guests)
18. Jan. 2019, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
06. Jan. 2019, Eckernfoerde, Museum
- concert for the closing of the "Wilhelm Lehmann" exhibition -
"Gegendämmerung" for voice and flute
20. Dec. 2018, Choele Choel/ Arg., Distat Terra Festival
"Nen XI" for oboe, (bass)-clarinet and bassoon
(Ensemble Aventure)
19. Dec. 2018, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Aphel" for orchestra
01. Dec. 2018, Cologne, Kunststation St. Peter
- 129. Lunchkonzert - (Burkart Zeller, violoncello)
"Interception" for violoncello and tape
17. Nov. 2018, Eckernfoerde, church Borby
- "night of the arts" -
"Nachtwindbewegtes" for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and viola
09. Nov. 2018, Winsen/ Luhe, Altes Forsthaus Habichtshorst
"35 bright moments" L'art pour l'art
"bright moment 31" _ in the hands of space
"Aux mains de l'espace" for 4-channel-tape
"Interception" for violoncello and tape
03. Nov. 2018, Saarbruecken, KuBa - Kulturzentrum am EuroBahnhof e.V.
eviMus - 5. Saarbruecker days for electroacoustic and visual music
"Cer" for 2-(4)-channel-tape
05. Oct. 2018, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
17. August 2018, Eckernfoerde, art gallery NEMO
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Brandung" for tape
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassklarinet and tape
07. August 2018, Daegu/ South-Korea, Daegu Concert House - Chamber Hall,
ICMC 2018 - concert 5
"Interception" for violoncello and tape
22. July 2018, 8 p.m., New York, Abrons Art Center, Playhouse
New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2018
"Aux mains de l'espace" for 4-channel-tape
16. May 2018, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
06. Mai 2018, 03.05 - 03.55 a.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
on the edges
"An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
20. April 2018, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
21. March 2018, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
02. March 2018, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"offen - fin des terres" for ensemble and electronics (tapes)
"Interception" for violoncello and tape
17. Feb. 2018, Tostefanz
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
11. Feb. 2018, 02.05 - 03.00 a.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
Klassik live
"melting away" for percussion, organ and tape
10. Jan. 2018, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "den angestoßenen Augen der Steine"
for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
16. Dec. 2017, Essen, Folkwang museum
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
01. Dec. 2017, Goch, museum
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics
01. Dec. 2017, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
Sendung von "Bruchstücke... erstarrtes Lot" for ensemble
29. Nov. 2017, Dresden, library of the university
"Annäherung an Petrarca" for 4 voices, fl and vc
25. Nov. 2017, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
"night of the music"
"Brandung" for tape and video
"about water II" for tape
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
"l'étendue des fins éclats, éparse" for violin
10. Nov. 2017, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
"absence - traces éloignées" for 4 piccolos and 2 percussion
03. Oct. 2017, Olmomouc/ Czech Republic
"Annäherung an Petrarca" for 4 voices, fl and vc
28. Sept. 2017, Freiburg, Elisabeth Schneider Foundation
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
22. Sept. 2017, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "des Nichts, verlorene Schatten" for ensemble
19. Sept. 2017, Dortmund, domicil
"Schemen - Feld 30" for contrabassclarinet and electronics fp
16. Sept. 2017, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
"gefaltetes Moment" for ensemble
30. Aug. 2017, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
29. Aug. 2017, 10.05 - 11.00 p.m., Bavarian broadcast (Bayern-Klassik)
broadcast of "Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
25. Aug. 2017, Rosario/ Argentina, Colegio La Salle
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
20. Aug. 2017, Hannover, "Musik 21 - Niedersachsen" festival 2017
"Schemen - Feld 10" for five wind instruments fp
20. Aug. 2017, Rosario/ Argentina, "Parque de Espana"
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
12. Aug. 2017, Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Nacional, Auditorio "Jorge Luis Borges"
"Noema" for violoncello
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
"about water II" for 2-(4)-channel-tape fp
10. August/ 04. September 2017 - Duo Reflexion K - concert tour Argentina
15. July 2017, Luebeck, Essigfabrik
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
08. July 2017, Berlin, Kirche Zum Heilsbronnen
"Module" for organ
24. June 2017, New York,
New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2017 at Abrons Art Center
"Interception" for violoncello and tape
18. June 2017, 09.05 - 11.00 p.m.,
Deutschlandfunk - Konzertdokument der Woche
recording of the first performance of "melting away"
for percussion, organ and tape at the Forum neuer Musik 2017
of the DLF at the Kunststation St. Peter/ Cologne
11. June 2017, Heilbronn, Deutschordensmünster, concert series "Magnificat"
"about water" for tape
02. June 2017, Freiburg, Elisabeth Schneider Foundation
Ensemble Aventure - "Hörlandschaften"
"Schwebe, verlöschend" for flute and percussion
31. May 2017, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "in die Nebelleere" for accordion
12. May 2017, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Brandung" for tape
"Noema" for violoncello
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
11. May 2017, 10.05 - 11.00 p.m., Bavarian broadcast (Bayern-Klassik)
"Blaue Stille"
broadcast of the recording of the concert
at the Bürgerpalais Stutterheim at Erlangen on 29.03.2017
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
04. May 2017, Schweinfurt, Kunsthallle (Gallery of Art)
Aux mains de l'espace
concert at the exhibition Peter Casagrande: "das große Format"
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
"Aux mains de 'espace" for 4-channel-tape
"about water" for tape
"Interferenz III" for tape
"Cer" for 2-(4)-channel-tape
"Interception" for violoncello and tape
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
"Klangräume II" for piccolo and tape
02. May 2017, 10.05 - 11.00 p.m., Bavarian broadcast (Bayern-Klassik)
Klangräume und Provinzlärm - Der Komponist Gerald Eckert
by Thorsten Preuß and Wolfgang Schicker
15. April 2017, University of California Santa Barbara
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
09. April 2017, Cologne, Kunststation St. Peter
Forum neuer Musik
"melting away" for percussion, organ and tape fp
05. April 2017, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
29. March 2017, Erlangen, Palais Stutterheim, concert series unerHÖRT!
"Blaue Stille"
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
25. March 2017, Luebeck, Essigfabrik
"Blaue Stille"
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
24. March 2017, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
"Musica su due dimensioni"
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
24. March 2017, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Gegendämmerung" for voice and flute
19. March 2017, Winterthur (CH), Theater am Gleis
"außen von tief innen"
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
01. March 2017, Potsdam,
chambermusic for young people "Classic meets Electro"
"Klangräume II" for piccolo and tape
28. Feb. 2017, Potsdam, Nikolaisaal
"Street music" - KAPmodern
"Klangräume II" for piccolo and tape
04. Feb. 2017, 10.05 - 10.50 p.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
broadcast Atelier neuer Musik
Transformationen und Energiezustände
- Über Gerald Eckerts "ökologisches" Komponierverständnis
"An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
"Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
"Studie über Nelly Sachs" for sorpano and ensemble
"Nachtschwebe" for orchestra
29. Jan. 2017, Nuremberg, museum for contemporary art
"Nachtbogen" for fl and vc
"Schwebe, verlöschend" for fl and perc
"about water" for tape
"Interferenz III" for tape
"Interception" for violoncello and tape
"Nen VII" for fl, vc and tape
19. Nov. 2016, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
15 years concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"long night of the music"
"Interception" for violoncello and tape
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
05. Nov. 2016, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
"long night of the arts"
"Noema" for violoncello
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
"Brandung" for tape
"Aux mains de l'espace" for 4-channel-tape
03. Nov. 2016, Potsdam,
"sound walk" - KAPmodern
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
28. Oct. 2016, Rosario, Espacio Cultural La Peruta
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello
26. Oct. 2016, Santa Fe/ Argentina, hall of the University
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
21. Oct. 2016, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Aphel" for orchestra
19. Oct. 2016, Montevideo, Núcleo Música Nueva, teatro Solís
"fuori" for flute and violoncello
"Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape
13. Oct. 2016, Seoul Arts Center, SICMF festival
"Cer" for 2-(4)-channel-tape
08. Oct. 2016, Trebel, Kunstverein "Wendische Dialoge"
"Cer" for 2-(4)-channel-tape
04. Oct. 2016, Pontevedra/ Spain, Sala de exposicións do Pazo da Cultura
"Traits - lointain" for 7 wind instruments and double bass
01. Oct. 2016, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
15 years concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
30. Sept. 2016, Luebeck, Kunst am Kai, Schuppen C
"An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
released 2021:
2021 CDs: chroia
works in different instrumentations for organ, percussion and electronics by Gerald Eckert
Kreuzberg Records (kr 10149)
for further informations also see here: discography
released 2020:
2020 CD: absence
compositions by Gerald Eckert
mode records mode 320
for further informations also see here: Ensemble Reflexion K
released in 2016:
2016 "on the edges"
"An den Rändern des Maßes" (2005-11) for two ensemble groups
"Bruchstücke... erstarrtes Lot" (1998/ 99) for ensemble
"Sopra di noi... (niente)" (2014) for orchestra
Ensemble Reflexion K and guests
mode records (mode 288)
The CD "on the edges" (mode records) has been nominated for the bestlist - 3/ 2016 - of the "Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik".
... to the vernissage of the exhibition of ink-drawings at February 1st, 2014 at Museum Eckernfoerde the catalogue
"Nahtstellen" has been released:
content of the catalogue are ink-drawings of the cyles "Venezianisches Buch" (2006), "Olevano Romano" (2010), Korea-cycle 2012/ 2013 and parts of scores from "ruins of time" (2013), "Fäden" (2006/ 10), "empty rooms" (2009), "Nen II" (2003) and "Krümmung der Augenblicke" (2000).
In addition, the catalogue comprises essays from Gordon Kampe, Jörg Meyer and Gerald Eckert.
2014 "Nahtstellen"
128 S., publisher: Pfau Verlag, Saarbrücken (ISBN 978-3-89727-510-2)
... in 2013 the monograph "An den Rändern des Maßes - the composer Gerald Eckert", edited by Gisela Nauck, has been released at the Wolke Verlag (publisher):
2013 An den Rändern des Maßes - the composer Gerald Eckert
edited by Gisela Nauck
with texts from Johannes Bauer, Gerald Eckert, Meret Forster, Stefan Fricke, Boris Hofmann,
Dirk Homrighausen, Andreas Jacob, Jörg Meyer, Matteo Nanni, Gisela Nauck, Saskia Reither,
Wolfgang Rüdiger, Julia H. Schröder and Beatrix Wagner
384 S.,publisher: Wolke Verlag, Hofheim (ISBN 978-3-936000-61-0)